Booking Information
- Complete and sign an Application for Registration Form (pdf)
- Submit a $650.00 CAD deposit cheque made payable to Langara College - for payment by Credit Card, please call 604.323.5979
- Submit a photocopy of your passport
- Early registration is recommended to avoid disappointment, as space is limited
- Booking and registration deadline 2 months prior to travel. Contact us for further details.
- Once your application has been submitted your deposit will become non-refundable in the event that you decide to withdraw or cancel your intent to participate in this program for any reason.
- Submit the above to:
Janinah Jansen, Program Coordinator, Educational Travel
Langara College, Continuing Studies
100 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver BC V5Y 2Z6
(Or via email to or fax: 604.323.5899)
Further booking details coming soon!